Complete The Agreement

Choose Monthly Plan

Complete Direct Debit

Membership Sign Up

Agreed Week Day(Required)
Agreed Time(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY


1. Period of Agreement

1.1 Your membership will start on the date of setup. This is the day you set up your membership. (Can be found on the “Direct Debit confirmation from Brian Reece - Splash Dog” email).
1.2 You agree to a 1-month rolling agreement.
1.3 All agreements will continue until you give the appropriate notice period to cancel as detailed below (4.2, 4.3).
1.4 Membership fees may be reviewed at any time.

2. Scheduling, Changes & Session Policy

2.1 Scheduling: Your sessions will be scheduled in agreement with a Splash Dog representative and will occur at the same time and day each week.
2.2 Request for Changes: If you wish to change the time or day of your sessions, you must obtain approval from a Splash Dog representative.
2.3 Unused Sessions: Please note that any unused sessions cannot be carried over to the following month.
2.4 Missed Sessions: If you miss any sessions, they are not redeemable for time in lieu.

3. Pool Rules

3.1 It is your responsibility to read and understand the pool rules of attendance of Splash Dog.
3.2 You agree to the current pool rules set out in the pool area. A copy of these will be available on our website.

4. Damage to Pool

4.1 You are responsible for any damage you or your dog causes to the pool, fixture or fittings and will be invoiced for all costs of repair or replacement of the same.

5. Cancellation

5.2 All agreements can be cancelled; this requires 1 month’s notice in writing to splashdogchelmsford@gmail.com
5.3 The 1-month cancellation period will start from your next payment date and not before.

6. Termination

6.1 If you are found to have violated any of the pool rules your membership will be terminated instantly.
6.2 If you bring any unnamed dogs into the pool without adding them to your membership, we will terminate your membership instantly.
6.3 We reserve the right to terminate your membership at any time.
6.4 If you share the security code without the prior permission of Splash Dog, we will terminate your membership.

7. Injury and Risk

7.1 Splash Dog cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury to any person dog or personal property whilst on the premises.

8. Payment

8.1 You must pay the monthly payments to us on the dates stated in this Agreement.
8.2 If you fail to pay the whole or any part of the money payment one time, we may charge interest on that sum at four per cent above the banks base rate from the date until it is paid.

9. If You Break This Agreement

9.1 If you break any terms of this agreement and fail to comply with a default notice sent to you in respect of that breach, we may require you to pay us immediately the whole sum for the notice period together with any outstanding amounts.

10. Expenses

10.1 You must pay us on demand such sums as we may notify you from time to time in respect of cheques and direct debit payments which are received by us or claimed by us in respect of this Agreement and which are unpaid, returned or recalled.

11. Information About You

11.1 You must notify us in writing of any change in your home address or any other information given by you in connection with this agreement.
11.2 We may record or monitor telephone conversation with you for training and research purposes.
11.3 We may record you on video in any sessions you attend and use them for promotion of Splash Dog on our website and or any social media such as Facebook, YouTube etc.

12. Changes to Terms and Conditions

12.1 We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without notice at any time.

13. Communication

13.1 All communication must be emailed to splashdogchelmsford@gmail.com

To finalize your membership, click 'Proceed' and securely set up your direct debit.