Maximum of 5 dogs!

Paw-some v1
Group Memberships v1

Linda has 1 dog and would like to include 2 friends who both have 1 dog each.

You would add 2 friends + 2 dogs making the membership £100pm shared between 3 people equivalent to £33pm each.

Tony has 2 dogs. He will be charged £60 + 1 same household dog at £5. Total is £65pm.

Tony also wants to add a friend who has 2 dogs. You would be add 1 friend + 1 dog at £80pm. We then add on Tony's and his friends same household dogs (x 2) making it £90pm for 4 dogs. Equivalent to £5.63 per dog/session

Ulti-mutt v2
Group Memberships v1

John has 1 dog and would like to include 2 friends who both have 1 dog each.

You would add 2 friends + 2 dogs making the membership £165pm shared between 3 people equivalent to only £55pm each.

Sally has 2 dogs. She will be charged £85+ 1 same household dog at £5. Total is £90pm.

Sally also wants to add a friend who also has 2 dogs. You would add 1 friend + 1 dog at £125pm. We then add on Sally's and her friends same household dogs (x 2) making it £135pm for 4 dogs. equivalent to only £4.22 per dog per session.